Monday, December 06, 2004

Best and Worst Christmas Music

Tis the season to be bombarded once again from every direction with Christmas music. (I once used to like it. Humbug!) Already this year, I can tolerate anything produced by Phil Spector, and the only thing when I hear it that I actually like is the great jazz piano music, slow or fast, from the Charlie Brown Christmas Special, whoever that's by.

Does anyone have an opinion on this topic? If so, let's hear your best loved or most hated Christmas music. Or most loved or best hated. (Click on the "anonymous" word at comments and you can get right on.)


Anonymous said...

Bing Crosby's "Christmas Story: Holiday Musical Told and Sung by Bing Crosby." The story is about Young Jethro whose Christmas wish was to receive an axe, an apple and a buckskin jacket. When he falls asleep on Christmas Eve, he dreams that he is visited by Paul Bunyan, Daniel Boone, and Johnny Appleseed. There are other Christmas albums by Der Bingle that are different from the over-layed one with the Andrews Sisters that everybody has and hears. Also, "That Christmas Feeling," is out of print on CD and one would wonder why, noting that it has the "egg is in the nog" bit and other, more symphonic elements and a lullabye quality. Probably because Bing beat the shit out of his kids. Christmas-is-a-comin' and the egg is in the nog--- GET AWAY FROM MY PIPE & SLIPPERS, GARY, YOU SONUVA BITCH, I'LL BASH YOUR HEAD IN WITH MY CROWBAR!!!

Anonymous said...

Bing Crosby's "Christmas Story: Holiday Musical Told and Sung by Bing Crosby." The story is about Young Jethro whose Christmas wish was to receive an axe, an apple and a buckskin jacket. When he falls asleep on Christmas Eve, he dreams that he is visited by Paul Bunyan, Daniel Boone, and Johnny Appleseed. There are other Christmas albums by Der Bingle that are different from the over-layed one with the Andrews Sisters that everybody has and hears. Also, "That Christmas Feeling," is out of print on CD and one would wonder why, noting that it has the "egg is in the nog" bit and other, more symphonic elements and a lullabye quality. Probably because Bing beat the shit out of his kids. Christmas-is-a-comin' and the egg is in the nog--- GET AWAY FROM MY PIPE & SLIPPERS, GARY, YOU SONUVA BITCH, I'LL BASH YOUR HEAD IN WITH MY CROWBAR!!!