Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Interesting Quote

Here's a quote from Bret Easton Ellis in yesterday's Metro newspaper, responding to a question by Dorothy Robinson about The New Yorker's list of best writers under 40:

"Who cares! Who cares! Who cares about these writers? Sure, they're pretty good. But for the most part, they're white and educated, so they're The New Yorker's audience. That's why they choose them."
Let's put aside the fact that ex-Bennington student Ellis is from the same kind of background-- or that whether the writers are "pretty good" is debatable. His remarks are a sign that not everybody in the lit world is asleep at the switch.

1 comment:

mather said...

Those are a couple of big facts to "put aside", and were the first things I thought of when I read this comment. I tried to read Less Than Zero and thought it was terrible. This guy could easily have been, and probably was, on some hip list of young writers 20 years ago.