Saturday, April 23, 2005

The Individual and Community

Due to current brainwashing not everyone is able to understand ULA theory.

Many in this society are trained to believe there is only the individual-- the individual or nothing-- existing without context; floating alone I guess untethered in outer space.

But everything has a context. The individual exists within the context of society. The ULA recognizes this. Instead of individuals promoting themselves alone in futility; separate and divided-- the worst of all possible strategies for writers-- we advocate that individuals promote themselves as part of a community of writers. "Individual" and "community" is not an either-or choice.

"You're all commies!" the unknowing demi-puppet might say at the notion of writers organizing, so far have the destructive seeds of narcissistic ego been planted in this country.

True solidarity means the individual having the freedom to act within and for the community-- to play an active role in determining its direction. To HAVE a voice. We don't wish to subsume the individual within the ULA so much as raise the individual up, by raising the ULA platform and having all of us standing upon it. We WANT strong personalities promoting themselves and one another within the ULA context; promoting themselves by promoting the Underground Literary Alliance. What benefits each ULAer benefits the ULA. What benefits the ULA and raises its profile benefits each individual member.

The last thing we seek is conformity-- a type of inward-drawing apathy which leaves decision-making to others. The ULA needs not demi-puppet conformity, but ACTIVE voluntary participation by free-thinking persons.


Anonymous said...

Hey, wait, you're talking about me, aren't you.

Goddamn it, everyone keeps talking about my memoir, my publishing company, the piles of limbs I have been forced to tear off of lesser mortals....Everybody wants to go, "I am friends with Orlando Hotpockets." And then they badmouth me when I'm not around. This has got to stop.

Anonymous said...

Everyone should buy a copy of Orlando's book, by the way, or two copies, so you can share its moving movingness with a friend.

It is too dangerous, too "hard core" and just too literary for the pseudo-demi-puppets of ULA, who have tried to keep the public in ignorance. But I am here to say that it is a work of genius. "The Heat of My Pockets" by Orlando Hotpockets is a work of genius